MY NAME IS MARTA KIRIT, OR FOR SHORT MAR. I am the founder of MAR Integrative Wellness, LLC, but first and foremost a mom, an educator, a former university instructor, fitness trainer, certified integrative health practitioner as well as holistic wellness, mindset and anti-aging coach. MAR is my nickname, but also stands for MINDSET + ACTION = RESULTS and for a coaching program I have developed to help people UNDIET (NOT DIET) TO LOSE WEIGHT & KEEP IT OFF, GAIN HEALTH, AGE LESS & OPTIMIZE THEIR WELLNESS. My coaching is backed up by science and is influenced by both my personal journey (you can read about HERE), as well as my professional work with clients. I would be remiss not to say that it is also impacted by what I learned while working in the beauty, healthcare, medical, health insurance, pharmaceutical and even sleep industries. They have all helped me understand how big of an impact our lifestyle choices can have on the way we age, feel, function, and on our finances. It is the reason why I urge people to start investing into their personal health and wellness accounts sooner than later and start shifting their focus from just the outside onto what I call INTERNAL FITNESS. It is our internal fitness that affects the way we look, feel, how we age, and how much we weigh. We do not worry about it when we are young, and for the most part, everything in our body functions properly, as there is not a lot of "wear and tear". Then, "the fun" begins and things in our body are no longer the same. Whether this moment has already come or not, I am so glad you are here! IF THERE WAS ONLY ONE THING FOR YOU TO TAKE AWAY FROM VISITING THIS WEBSITE, my hope is that it would be the fact that as we age, things in our body start to slowly malfunction, and that our internal fitness is what holds us back from achieving optimal levels of health, wellness, weight and vitality. As if sometimes all of sudden, we gain weight we can't lose, start having digestive issues, frequent episodes of migraines, fatigue, nervous breakdowns to name a few. Little do we realize that we have been "working on" those issues for many years and only now they have "finally" showed up. The symptoms that we start seeing on the outside are manifestations of what has been happening or growing on the inside. When it comes to weight issues, those extra pounds are also usually a response to some dysfunction within the body. At that point, it is really not as simple as overeating or not exercising enough. I know you do not want to hear it, but years of unhealthy lifestyle, or exactly dieting, have most likely wreaked havoc in your body. While temporary diets can help relief some symptoms and shed a few pounds, and are a solution sometimes, another short-term diet will not help with permanent healthy weight loss. It will, in fact, often make things worse. UNSUSTAINABLE DIETS & WORKOUTS OR POPULAR THESE DAYS "MAGIC BULLETS" ARE NOT A LONG- TERM SOLUTION to the problem that also did not happen overnight. While, in today’s diet culture, most people seek out immediate gratification and fastest possible outcomes, little do they know that relying solemnly on popular weight loss drugs or even HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), without LRT (Lifestyle Replacement Therapy), is like putting your health & weight loss on a credit card. Mindless spending, without any strategy to pay the debt off, will turn out to be a disaster, even if it feels great short term. The same goes for short-cut weight loss strategies. Each time you try one, you are creating more debt. DO YOU HAVE A STRATEGY TO PAY THE DEBT OFF OR ARE YOU JUST CREATING MORE "DEBT"? And when it comes to unsustainable diets, most people also do not realize that each time they go through mental and physical tortures, they are literally putting their body "on fire" and cause a physiological inflammation as well as psychological burnout. For the 95% plus of the enthusiasts that lose weight initially, even with high discipline and motivation at a given time, their bodies, minds, and emotions are not ready for the big leaps they are trying to take. The weight unfortunately creeps back on, often with revenge, as the body fights back adding more physical, mental, and emotional strain. The vicious cycle continues and people's relationship with food, exercise and even oneself gets worse and so does their health. This is not wellness. Someone else would have called it the definition of insanity. I prefer to call it the result of a diet mindset and the culture we are living in. So, what is the solution? DEFINITELY NOT ANOTHET UNSUSTAINABLE DIET OR ANOTHER "MAGIC BULLET"! PEOPLE NEED TO UNDIET INSTEAD. Another unsustainable diet or another short - cut and a weight loss pill or expensive injection, without addressing the cause of the issue, will only be a band aid put over the problem. Health, wellness, weight loss and how we age are all interconnected. Wellness is holistic. Trying one more cookie cutter diet and/or focusing mainly on exercise and counting calories or carbs leads to unhealthy obsessions rather than wellness. Sorry to say this, but even those do not address the causes of your issues. Contrary to the popular belief, people do not need to exercise like crazy or be hungry all the time to lose weight. They need to "undiet" their mind and body, instead. This involves shifting the focus from the outside onto internal fitness and addressing the body's deficiencies, toxicities, hormonal, metabolic, digestive tract issues, inflammation, and stress that puts their body in a constant flight-or-fight state. While LIFESTYLE INTERVENTIONS will make the most difference, it will not be overexercising and/or unsustainable dieting! Those will often make things worse long term! You have got to "trick your body" to thinking that you are actually doing it good and not trying a complete 180 overnight. The only way to do it is by developing healthy and sustainable habits that will be appropriate to your current physiology, metabolic, digestive health, lifestyle, liking to name a few, so your body won't be fighting back! It will be an evolving process during which, as your body gets used to your new improved lifestyle, you will be losing weight and gaining health at the same time while enjoying the journey, and not dreading it! Depending on where you are on your health & wellness spectrum, it might take more or less time! ARE YOU READY TO |
SELF-AWARENESS & KNOWLEDGE ARE THE FOUNDATION! Whether you are looking to just optimize your wellness or are in need of a total transformation and are a repeated offender and yoyo-dieter, knowledge and self-awareness of one’s body is the key to success. Mindlessly rushing into yet another cookie cutter diet is like building a makeshift house that will eventually crumble. Everyone is different and what has led one person to become overweight or/and unhealthy is, too. The same goes for other issues and root causes of imbalances and deficiencies in the body. This understanding and this knowledge make for the best foundation of one’s transformation or even optimization. If you want to lose a quick few pounds, quick fixes might work for a while until they don't. Most likely, you are going to be losing health in the process, instead of gaining it, as well. If you want to build sustainable weight loss and wellness, you need not speed through the process but more so focus on quality of the building blocks aka habits in order to construct a solid structure or a stronger and healthier body at its optimal weight. During the 1st part of your TRANSFORMATION or OPTIMIZATION, we will be GETTING TO KNOW YOUR BODY. Depending on how well and how much you already know, and depending on where you are at on your health & wellness spectrum, this process might take a 60-MIN consult or a week or two. During this time, you will be given tasks to complete that will help you do that and determine where you are at in your health, wellness and/or weight loss journey as well. This information will help us together create an INDIVIDUALIZED ACTION PLAN. As you go through the journey, you will continue learning and growing while taking mindful and comfortably paced steps in, this time, the right direction. THE INITIAL PROCESS |
MINDFUL AND COMFORTABLY PACED STEPS IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION, not big leaps, will be a game changer for most people (even though not all)! What you might not realize is that the body does NOT like fast changes. It fights us when we are not kind to it and when we are trying to make big changes overnight! It is the reason, especially the people in need of a total transformation, will need to be slowly replacing their old habits with new ones. Those habits might include learning how to think of food as medicine and choosing tasty options that will nourish their body, so it can function healthier longer. So many of you will also need to overcome the fear of eating those calories or carbs, which will take time. Those who hate cooking, might need to try it and learn how to enjoy it! You will need to learn when to eat, how to eat and enjoy the experience without worrying about gaining weight. You might also need to switch your exercise routine and go from breaking your body down from too much cardio to making your body stronger with resistance training, and more flexible and calmer with yoga. Exercise is to energize you instead of exhaust you and many of you will need to rebrand it. You will also need to allow your body to have a break from exercise, your digestive tract from eating and your mind from overthinking. You will need to learn to rest, destress and relax to heal and rejuvenate. To support you in your journey, we might introduce quality supplementation to help you heal your gut, improve your metabolic health, calm down your sympathetic nervous system, aid your immune system, reduce your inflammation and in other words rebalance your internal fitness. Whenever needed, pharmacological interventions might come to play as well as well as working alongside your medical providers. I often send people out to see them! The list is long, and it depends on where someone is in their wellness. Some of you might want to take advantage of the Functional Medicine testing I offer in my practice and get to the root causes of the issues western medicine unfortunately does not make use of yet. The tests I run are also based on the symptoms and functional medicine protocols I have been trained on. Everyone is different and whatever it is, you will know what the proposed plan for you is before you pay for any of the PACKAGES. You will not make a payment until we choose the package and are in the STEP 5 of the initial process explained above. THE JOURNEY WITH MAR![]() |
EACH DAY, you will be asked to start incorporating agreed on healthy habits into your lifestyle at a comfortable for you pace. You will be asked to report on the process in your Healthy Habits Tracker. Based on individual needs, you will be asked to work on logging other specific to your health, wellness & weight loss journey things.
EACH WEEK, you will be given weekly material to read up on as well as tasks to complete. We will be meeting to go over the tracker and make necessary adjustments, if needed, to it. We will be discussing struggles & celebrating successes! EACH MONTH, we will be meeting (video call) to discuss NEW Habits to incorporate into your lifestyle based on your progress. During our last call, we will discuss EXIT PLAN you will be able to work through on your own with the tools you have learned in the process of working together! |
LONG LASTING & HEALTHY RESULTS ARE THE GOAL OF MAR. Whether you are looking to optimize your health, shed a few pounds or completely transform, UNDIETING WITH MAR will not do the work for you, but it will give you the tools that will help you lose weight, gain health, age less and/or optimize your wellness. During the journey through knowledge, self-awareness, self-care, as well as through building long-lasting habits we will addressing various aspects of your wellness holistically. It will be a journey like no other, and at the end of it, you will be set up for success and not yet another failure. We will reset your body's often broken thermostat and start changing your body's "set point" weight where your body wants to be, so it no longer fights your weight loss efforts. With or without your doctor's help, we might be also taking a deeper dive into your body, and the state of your metabolic, hormonal, and gut health. We might want to figure out your levels of inflammation, toxic load, deficiencies and other stressors to the body that, as we age, show up on the outside as diseases or weight issues diets will not fix, but will only make worse. The result? A more balanced, better nourished, healthier, more knowledgeable, and confident version of you! Weight loss, better skin, sleep, sex, mood, more energy, vitality, confidence, less anxiety, headaches, digestive issues, aches and pains, or medications! The above are just a few examples of what you might expect while on the journey I want to invite you on that will change the trajectory of your weight loss, how you age, look and feel. So, if you are ready to take your health and wellness to the next level and to undiet to lose weight and gain health, I look forward to learning about you in our first no obligation consultation. To learn more about it and to sign up, go HERE or connect with me below to determine if we are a good fit for each other and for me to tell you if and how I can help you!
We will not spam you, but guide you into health, wellness, healthy weight loss!
This week, we are sending out the same guide we send to our clients!
Get yours y clicking on the image below!
Knowledge is the power! Do not jump into another diet without it!
Copyright © 2024 MAR Integrative Wellness, LLC. All rights reserved.